Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Bumpy Ride

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rehearsals continue full throttle.  I have been working on editing the instrumental backtracks.  The program is flowing really nice!

Even though I have been sick for some days now, I am sure it will clear up for the concert.  Through the years and with experience, I have come to understand that it is not only the bugs that are going around at the moment, but the stress that just cannot be avoided that makes me and many others get sick before a concert.  I must say, though, that I am getting better every year, this one being the best to date.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Well, I finished editing, transposing, and mixing the necessary tracks.  Everything is ready to be uploaded to the board, start setting levels and programming.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I spent all day uploading the tracks on the board, setting levels and programming the automix.  First bump in the road was that the board froze – first time ever! – and I lost all the changes I had made since the last save.  So I had to basically start again!!!

I got a pretty decent amount of work redone by the time the girls got here for rehearsal, though.  Matt had set the Yamaha monitors in the living room for the tech.  When we started, we began to hear this big distortion and couldn't figure out what was causing it.  We tried everything we could and then began to go track by track.

Finally we figured out it was the tracks that had been edited in the computer the ones that had the problem.  Go figure!  I am guessing it was the program that I used but until I dig a bit more into it I will not know and right now I don’t have the time.   I have to focus on a solution and figure out how I work out half of the programs.  These tracks hadn’t only been edited for compositional purposes, but they had been transposed.

So, issue at hand, the group agreed to sing three of the pieces in the original higher key.  We had to adjust for the voices but things should work out.  Next thing will be tonight and it will be a long one as I will have to re-upload half of the music, set the level sfrom scratch for those pieces as well as the transitions from one piece to the other, and reprogram the automix. 

Needless to say, we didn’t get through much of anything.  I told the girls to go and started working.  No sweet dreams for me tonight…

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