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Saturday, January 2, 2010
Today was a slow day. I could not sleep last night and so I was worthless during the day. During my long night of unrest, I almost talked myself out of writing the blog. I am a private person by nature and even though I am continuously on stage, it is my love of music and my creative soul which take me there, as I do not enjoy being the center of attention.
In the evening, Matt and I went to see New Moon. It was a little slow at the beginning, but I did enjoy the film and look forward to see what they come up with for the obviously upcoming second sequel.
I love watching movies, especially with Matt. I love us going to the movies and it always feels like we are home when we are together.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Matt and I had an argument this morning. More than anything else, it was caused because of the two ways that we process and share information. Matt tends to work out the details in his head, make a plan, and set his course.
I am very different. I start with an idea and the idea might continue to change as I discuss it. My creative process is pretty much the same. I start with something that evolves as the creating takes place.
Of course, we talked through it, as we always do. And we reminded ourselves one more time that we need to remember these kinds of differences so we are aware of the different situations.
In the afternoon, I concentrated on cleaning up my Outlook contacts. I started doing this when I left Panasonic, but wasn’t even through a third. With everything that will be going on, it is a must to have all information up-to-date. So, I dedicated all day to doing this. And, let me tell you, it took all day to get it done. I finally cleaned the contact list from 1,800 to 1,300. I corrected the information in each card file, etc., etc., etc., I can barely move my right hand at this moment, but I am so glad this is finally done. Now I need to update the distribution list in our group.
But, for today, I am done!!!
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