I believe that the slideshow in yesterday's blog did not go through so here is the link:
Also, the link to this blog is:
Friday, November 27, 2009
So today has been a traditional left over day. Yum! And not only for food but for the time shared with those we love.
We have also been putting the Holiday china away and all the other nicks and nacks. I did some additional internet search but I didn’t find anything that captured my attention.
Sweet dreams world…
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Matt and I have been talking about some details and I think we have agreed on one key point. But, it is still not time to give this one away…
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The online search continues, this time checking out invitations. I got some ideas but I didn’t see anything that spoke to me, certainly not that said Matt and Pia.
Thinking about it, what would I expect to find something that would be us? Much of who we are is about how we do and doing ourselves, about creating and that is, at least for me (like I told a friend many years ago when she asked me what was music for me) “how I tell the world I am here.” So why would I expect for somebody else to know my thoughts and my feelings? To be us it has to have that participative creativity in it, so I think I’ll start working on a design.
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