Friday, January 15, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Today is wrapping day! I love creating nice packages with beautiful bows for everybody; just don’t like doing it at the very last minute!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The boys came at about noon to celebrate Christmas. I just love seeing them open their gifts and the cute gift wrappings that Christopher makes every year from newspapers and magazine letters to write our names! We also gave Christopher his birthday presents.

In the evening, we went, like every year, to Grace’s. Steve, Grace’s fiancĂ© was there, the kids, Lito and Tere, Eddie (the kids’ dad), mom, Matt and I. It is hard to believe we have known each other for, exactly, twenty years. Gaby is now at UGA and Marco has two years of high school to go and a wonderful talent for music.

I looked for a moment when I could talk alone with Grace, in the kitchen, and told her that I was going to ask Gaby to be my Maid of Honor. And, of course, she told me she had kinda figured it out. As she always says, “Te conozco mas que si te hubiera parido”, and she is right. We have shared a lifetime together…so many things, so much binds us closer than if we were sisters…

So, right after dinner, I took Gaby to the every day living room and asked her: “Will you be my Maid of Honor?” Man! I didn’t expect her reaction. I mean, I knew she was going to be happy. I had asked her a couple of weeks ago what she wanted her role to be in the wedding and she had said, “Maid of Honor,” but I didn’t expect to see her jumping around like a little kid that had just been given the most wonderful Christmas present…My heart was so full of love at that moment…and my eyes full of tears! I could not love her more if she were my own…

Grace came in and the three of us were hugging and Gaby kept jumping around – I’ll tell you, those soccer legs of hers are mighty strong! Then she grabbed her cell and said, “I have to call Jennifer” (her best friend) and so they got on the phone.

This is proving to be an even more amazing journey than I thought it would. I am so blessed. We are so blessed. My heart overflows with Love and the wonder of The Gift we have and are being given…

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