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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I met with Claire to go over the music for the wedding. We listened to all the pieces, worked on the order and pretty much figured out the details. So, with exception of one piece, all the songs are in. One item down!
Thought of the day:
“If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow.”
(Rachel Carson, Writer, Scientist, and Ecologist)
Beautifully put! It certainly makes you think of the importance of arts and music in particular, as they, for certain, cause the most impression on the senses. How significant is this part of education and how little attention compared to the other subjects it is given!
Very appropriate for the events of the day also. How much more memorable is a wedding ceremony with music, especially when it is telling a story…
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thought of the day:
“I learn life from the poets.”
(Madame de Staƫl, Eighteenth/Nineteenth Century Writer)
I believe we all learn the most from that with which we identify the most, in addition to all the other sources from which we absorb knowledge.
I our relationship, Matt and I, I believe, grow and learn much from and with music and written word. And, at the wedding, we hope to share with those we love in this way.
Oh, something really nice happened when I was at Publix today. I had finished paying for my groceries and realized the cashier had not rung a Sprite Zero I still had in the cart. (This after trying to find my $5.00 coupon, which later I found at home.) So, the person coming up next told the cashier to have her put it on her ticket, which was already open. She would not accept the $2.00 I was trying to hand her and said somebody had done it for her some time ago.
Simple gestures that bright up the day! So, thank you Ms. Stranger. Being that this area is pretty small, I hope to run into you soon again. And I will look for my opportunity to “pay it forward.”
Friday, February 19, 2010
Spent the whole day running errands, having to drive all over town. Thankfully enough, of course, I had music with me in the car and learned two new pieces.
Brrr….I am pooped!
Thought of the day:
“There is vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost.”
(Martha Graham, Dancer, Teacher, and Choreographer)
Wow! This is certainly something to remember every time we try to talk ourselves from doing, whatever it is we could, would or should be doing or when others tell us that we can’t or shouldn’t. Simply put, we are denying the universe of the unique gift that can only come from us.
When that vitality and life force is shared with one we love, I believe it is even stronger; because two together can be greater than two apart. And, when this works, it is certainly greater than the sum of its parts.
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